For many years, the work of professors and students at KIT has been accompanied by art. It evolved from the history of the former Technical University of Karlsruhe (TU) and the 'Kunst am Bau' projects realized there over the decades or in the form of the art collection of the former Karlsruhe Research Center.
Since creativity is regarded as a source of innovation and research, it is not surprising that works of art by various artists, from Horst Antes to Leni Hoffmann and Erwin Wurm, support and comment on the work of the researchers on the different campuses or even explore scientific contexts themselves. The encouragement of interaction between science and art has always been and still is the main focus in the selection of artists and the realization of their designs.
Based on the history of KIT, the forms in which art is presented at KIT are very diverse and will be continued in the future.
We are pleased to offer guided tours of the works of art on Campus North and South for groups of visitors.
Art at the location Campus North
Since the end of the 1960s, a company-owned art collection has been established on the northern campus of the KIT, the former Karlsruhe Research Center. The initiator of the art collection was Dipl.-Ing. Alfred Bauer who was head of the construction department and had many contacts to artists.
The majority of the works of art originate from art-in-architecture funds. However, due to the fact that the site in Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen are not open to the public and the that strict regulations of the 'Kunst am Bau' procedure back then in the 1970s and 1980s, Mr. Bauer was able to use the funds a little more freely.
Thus, in addition to the publicly accessible sculpture park outside the sites, an art lending library was created where employees can borrow works of art for their office. From the very beginning, the collection was intended to promote interactions between science and art, not only for the general public but especially for the staff of the Karlsruhe Research Center. The main focus of the acquisition was to support young, regional artists.
Since the merger the art collection has been continued through various competitions at 'Kunst am Bau'.
To the overview Artists at Campus North A-Z.
Art at the location Campus South
On the Campus South, the former University Fridericiana, a large number of outstanding art objects have been constructed together with the buildings since its foundation as a polytechnic school in 1825. They have been realized as architectural sculptures, as monumental settings or as interior designs. However, the majority of the works of art on the campus date from after 1950, when the German government launched the program of 'Kunst am Bau' which is still existing today.
The selection of artists represented on the Campus South is not only regionally influenced but also includes a wide variety of positions from all over Europe. However, the contact to the State Academy of the Arts as well as suggestions from the exhibitions of the Badischer Kunstverein can be recognized.
To the overview of Artists on Campus South A-Z.
Andrea Stengel
Campus North
Building: 0303, Room: 012
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Phone: +49 721 608-25810
E-Mail: andrea stengel ∂does-not-exist.kit edu